Friday, September 23, 2011

This years scarecrow is coming together.  Does this face look familiar?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Invasion 2011 Coming Soon

Plans are underway for Invasion 2011 and it should be bigger and better than before.  This year we are adding on line voting for Crowd Favorite at  So out of town friends can now see the entries and vote as well.  We are looking at a Facebook Voting poll as well as a paper voting ballot at the Public Library. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Heading to Oregon to see sister Sherry.

Taking Mom and Dad to see sis.  We will head to the coast for a couple of days so I'll add a few pictures later.

Next project involves Fairies

As part of the October festivals in Scottsville, we are hosting a 2nd Sunday event that includes events on Dumont Hill, our Civil War Emcampment Park.  The 2nd Sunday is effort to get people out and exercise.  Our trails will be open and as an effort to entice kids to come out, a Fairy House trail will be included.  As you would suspect I am building one and so is Britini, my clerk.  This is a couple first looks at my efforts to build a fairy house without nails, screws or other fasteners that would mark the trees when I take it down.

This is special tree I found that I am titling "Moving on Up" as you can see theirs even a swimming pool.  I'll post some of the others when it come closer to the 2nd Sunday.

This is the arched entry way. More later.

Busy as a Bee

Have been extremely busy trying to get ready for a trip to Oregon and finishing scarecrows.  The only problem is I decided to help a couple of more people with their scarecrows.  Here is one  my friend Brian and I worked on for his dads business.

Another for the County is framed up.  Now that the easy part is over the clerks can finish dressing him and add the props.

And finally I'm trying to add more clothes to my own.  Been busy working on everybody elses and my is looking kinda poorly.  Lets hope placement will make the disproportions add character. 

Well that's all for tonight.  Next scarecrow posting will be the finished products.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scarecrow 2 revisted

Will here is a partial frame for the second scarecrow. Can you guess what it might be?

New feature includes bendable arms to fit in place better.  If you look at the last picture in previous Scarecrow 2 revisited post you may can guess where it will go.

As you can see from this picture even first tries don't always work.

Scarecrow 1 revisted

Continuing to work on the Scottsville Church of Christ "Surviving Life" scarecrow.  Mitchell Covington is shown with our modified backdrop.  Had to reinforce it for outdoor weather.  We used chicken wire with hula skirt for roof.  The walls were created from a bamboo blind.  This was used during our summer series and vacation Bible School.

More props ready for assembly.